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Home : Windows : Troubleshooting : Crash Control

Specify the Small Memory Dump Directory (Windows 2000/XP)
This setting is used to specify the location of the small dump directory which stores a small set of useful information when a system stops unexpectedly.

Enable Manual Crash Feature (Windows 2000)
Microsoft Windows 2000 includes a feature that enables you to have the system stop responding and generate a Memory.dmp file (crash to blue-screen) by using a button combination on the keyboard.

Send Administrative Alerts of System Crashes (Windows NT/2000/XP)
This setting controls whether Windows should send an alert to the Administrator when a system crashes.

Control Whether Windows Logs a System Crash (Windows NT/2000/XP)
This setting controls whether Windows logs a system crash to the event log, this will allow the exact time of the crash to be permanently recorded.

Create a System Crash Dump File (Windows NT/2000/XP)
This setting controls whether Windows creates a dump file of the computer memory when a system crashes.

Specify the System Crash Dump File Location (Windows NT/2000/XP)
This tweak is used to specify the location where the dump file should be written after a system crash.

Control the Dump Creation Method (Windows NT/2000/XP)
This tweak controls whether the system should create a new dump file and overwrite the existing file or whether it should append data to the old dump file when a system crash occurs.

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